Jump Start Your 2021! 365 stories to achieve balance and inner peace
If you’re ready to be present and happy, then this book is for you. Get Free Sample Chapter As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
To love yourself is……
...to give yourself permission to live as you choose. The Mountain Story (Author Unknown) A son and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself, and screams, “AAAhhhhhhh!!!” To his surprise, he hears a voice repeating, somewhere in...
Happy World Breathing Day!
Take a deep breathe! In honor of World Breathing Day, practice the Buddha belly breathing technique. Named after depictions of the potbellied Chinese folkloric deity Budai, it is a technique that pushes your belly out to support optimal breathing. It relaxes the mind...
The key to happiness – when life is challenging
The key to happiness is reflection and gratitude. Remember your first day of school? New shoes. A new backpack filled with notebooks, pens and pencils. Outside the air is crisp and leaves crunch under foot. Butterflies keep the giddiness in check. I went back to...
Want to be sexier
How to be sexier in 2020 😉 In this video, I share how your integrity is an energy issue. And it's attractive! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouixg3myHXU&feature=youtu.be ~~~~~~ Speak your truth, feel the vulnerability, and embrace your courage. ~~~~~~
Don’t let a codependent blackout ruin your day
Recover Faster From Setbacks In this video, I share a funny story how I faced my own humanity. Learn how to deal with setbacks, failures, and pain, and bounce back quickly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4KBXfgAv1U&feature=youtu.be ~~~~~~ You can handle life on...
Do you use these labels to describe yourself?
Love your weirdness! In this video, I share how to watch for the labels you give yourself. Weird, quirky, shy, and loud are examples of labels. Embrace all of you because it’s all magnificent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj3fDOW_2iI&feature=youtu.be ~~~~~~ What...

Here is your guide to staying sane during the final sprint of the year
The Sprinter's Sanity Guide. The end of the year is jam-packed. Budgets, performance evaluations, financial goals, school plays, parties, and holiday events. Many of us feel overwhelmed, like we are drinking out of a fire hose. Try out this Sprinter's Sanity Guide. It...

What I learned rafting 223 miles on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon for 16 days.
Perspective. 1. I am a single grain of sand on a vast beach. The Colorado River provides water and energy to nearly 40 million people from Texas to LA. The Grand Canyon’s intact geologic strata dates back more than 1.8 billion years, with many intervening periods of...

Do you feel bad when you enjoy the good things in life?
Give yourself permission to enjoy. There is a Buddhist parable about a monk who is walking the mountains when he is confronted by a fierce tiger. The tiger chases him to the edge of a cliff. Below the cliff is the sea. The monk chooses to lower himself over the cliff...