The Sprinter’s Sanity Guide.

The end of the year is jam-packed. Budgets, performance evaluations, financial goals, school plays, parties, and holiday events. Many of us feel overwhelmed, like we are drinking out of a fire hose.

Try out this Sprinter’s Sanity Guide. It works!

Sprinter’s Assumptions

1. There will be more to do in a day than can realistically be accomplished.

2. You will experience energy depletion because of the number of decisions you make all day. Therefore, it is necessary to use your limited number of energy units consciously.

3. You will have to constantly make choices and say no to requests. The choice is usually between two things you want to do. Expect to experience discomfort.

4. You can make a plan each day AND expect life to throw in surprises – somebody resigns, the boss calls an unplanned meeting, the kids get sick, etc.

At the end of each work day do this.

1. Stop working 10 minutes earlier.

2. Create a time plan for the following day. Block time to complete only critical tasks. Add 5-10 minute buffer time blocks in between meetings and tasks. This buffer is for you to wrap up the tasks/meeting, identify next actions, and take a biology break.

3. Take a picture of your time plan and send it to an accountability partner.

4. Put work into an imaginary container until the next day. Go and LIVE YOUR LIFE. Fill your tanks with down time, meals with family or friends, and move your body.

I’ll be an accountability partner for the first five people who email me at!


You can handle the messiness of life.
