…to give yourself permission to live as you choose.

The Mountain Story
(Author Unknown)

A son and his father were walking in the mountains.
Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself, and screams, “AAAhhhhhhh!!!”
To his surprise, he hears a voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain,
Curious, he yells, “Who are you?”
He receives the answer, “Who are you?”
Angered at the response, he screams, “Coward!”
He receives the answer, “Coward!”
He looks to his father and asks, “What’s going on?”

The father smiles and says, “My son, pay attention.”
And then he screams to the mountain, “I admire you!”
The voice answers, “I admire you!”
Again the man screams, “You are a champion!”
The voice answers, “You are a champion!”

The boy is surprised, but does not understand.

Then the father explains, “People call this echo, but really this is life.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.

Choose ….

the thought system of love. It is the belief in abundance and worthiness.

“Because I believe in my inherent worth and value, and that I live in a friendly universe, I practice mindful success every day, and I need never worry again.”

Mindful success is intentionally choosing your thoughts and actions every day. It is consciously choosing to have more faith in abundance and worthiness than in scarcity and unworthiness.

This thought system leads to the freedom to choose balance in giving and receiving, between work, family, and self-maintenance, between being and doing, and increased present-moment awareness—increased tolerance with the unknown, increased curiosity, and decreased judgment.


Remember who you are and forget what you are not.


Decide what you want in your life – more love, more laughter, more joy. Give them to yourself and find joy in small things today.
