I leave tonight for Portugal. At least that’s the plan.

Falls Church, VA

I’m using my airline pass to travel for the remainder of the year. My friend Robin gave it to me. It allows me to travel anywhere in the world on standby. I am very grateful and everyone deserves to have a friend like Robin.

Imagine going to the airport not knowing whether or not you will get on the plane. Nerve racking, right? It’s been my gig since June 29th, the day after my book launch party. I traveled to Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Anchorage.

Now I’m going international. Portugal first, then New Zealand. The stakes seem higher. “Will it really work? Can I do this? Am I crazy?”

Answer: Yes, Yes, and YES!

The antidote for dealing with the uncertainty of change is to stay in the present moment.

1. Focus on your moment-to-moment experience.

2. Take 3 deep breaths.

3. Let go your attachments to outcomes.

I will be practicing these steps tonight. Where do you have uncertainty in your life? How will you apply these techniques? Let me know your experience. Email me at moira@moiralethbridge.com.