How to create your version of a mobile adventure – Part 2 of 3.
I used to hide; hide from things I didn’t know I had to hide from, hide from things I thought I didn’t deserve, from things that I made myself feel shame for. I wouldn’t allow myself to acknowledge my gifts or talents, much less to share them with the world. I thought I wasn’t allowed to enjoy my life, or even have a life, if the world around me was messy. I even considered sleep to be unnecessary, as if getting a healthy amount of rest was lazy and unproductive. On the morning before my book launch last year, I had an anxiety attack because I had always considered creativity to have no value to me or anyone else.
My adventure and commitment to a mobile life changed all that.
The first step was figuring out how to shed some of my armor, how to allow myself to come out from hiding, and how to ensure that I shine my light. Receiving the gift of travel and being a globetrotter made me realize the world awaiting outside of my hiding spots and guarded walls. And as my heart slowly ruptured and my light shone through my armor, thoughts and beliefs started to come up and I could choose whether or not to continue to follow them.

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I deserve to live my own life, to enjoy the time I have here even if things around me are chaotic. I learned that my emotions aren’t the enemy, and if I recognize them and work with them they are actually my best supporters and encouragers. The present moment is something to be cherished, not feared or overlooked in favor of the future.
By shedding some of my armor, I allowed myself to see opportunities that I wouldn’t have been able to see before; driven by curiosity, I can now push myself to accept my talents and expand my passions to whatever I’m interested in today. That slowing down and smelling the roses is integral for appreciating where you are right now; taking your foot off the accelerator doesn’t crash the car.
And perhaps most importantly, I discovered my new want to be seen, to not hide anymore, with little armor enclosing me. To be seen in 2019 is what came from my travels and from my past year, so that I can share how much I’ve grown and changed with the world.