What if you could live your ideal lifestyle?
What would it be?

Anchorage, Alaska

Traveling solo affords me the opportunity to meet a lot of people, talk to anyone and everyone, and ask a lot of questions.

Since I started my mobile adventure on July 1st, I’ve been to Baltimore, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Anchorage. I’ve talk with people who sit next to me on planes, who host me in Airbnb’s, who drive me around, who attend the workshops I offer on my book, Savvy Woman in 5 Minutes a Day: Make Time for a Life That Matters.

I ask each person, “What do you love about living here?”

The consistent answer is, “It supports my lifestyle.”

People live in LA because of the climate and proximity to the ocean and mountains. They live near where they work to minimize time spent in traffic.

San Franciscan’s enjoy the weather, abundant jobs, and coastal living.

In Anchorage it’s being outdoors year round.

What is your ideal lifestyle?
What if money and time were not a constraint?
Where would you live?
How would you design your life?

What’s stopping you from living this lifestyle?

Start by giving yourself permission to envision a lifestyle you love. Describe it in detail – housing, weather, work, family, friends, clothes, etc. Write it down.

Do one thing that supports your ideal lifestyle. If you wrote about living in the mountains, take a day trip to the nearest range. Book a cabin for the weekend. The key to living your ideal lifestyle is to get out of your physical and mental routines.

I’m finding on this journey that people are living the life of their dreams. It takes courage to step out of the familiar into the unknown.

Share with me one action you will take towards living your ideal lifestyle.

READ: June 19 – Stop Underliving from my book, Savvy Woman in 5 Minutes a Day: Make Time for a Life That Matters