Practice mindfulness and increase your ability to recognize opportunities.

Forrest Gump is a movie about a man who faces many tribulations, but he never lets any of them interfere with his happiness.

The main character, Forrest Gump, played by Tom Hanks, is an authentic and kind-hearted soul. He lives each moment from a place of integrity, loyalty, and present-moment awareness. This allows him to experience love, adventure, and great success.

His present moment qualities included:
  • No judgment—of his sweetheart Jenny, Lieutenant Dan, himself, or from old experiences.
  • Open minded—he was free from expectations. He inspired others to run, he started a successful shrimp business, and became a Ping-Pong champion.
  • Spontaneous—he allowed new impulses to come in without criticism or suppressing them. He saved members of his platoon and was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Johnson.
  • Free from worry—this allowed Forrest to keep his word to his friend Bubba, giving Bubba’s profits from the shrimp business to Bubba’s family.
  • Fearless—he did not carry the regrets of the past or the wreckage of the future with him. Lieutenant Dan invested the profits from their shrimp business in Apple and they were financially secure for the rest of their lives.

Forrest Gump had a profound effect on others. You do too.


Practice one present-moment quality
for five minutes and notice
how your life improves.
